The rhetoric used by politicians who say they’re ‘ in it to make a difference’ making them all sound exactly the same
Here are some other items from the Quot Political Phrasebook :- ‘Sending out the wrong message ‘, ‘Not on my watch’, ‘Lessons to be learnt‘ ‘….so that nothing like this ever happens again ‘,‘Belt and braces job’, ‘Know where the bodies are buried’, ‘Go the extra mile’, ‘Cast a long shadow’ ,‘Head in the sand’, ‘Firm hand at the tiller’ ,‘ Picking the low hanging fruit’ , ‘Kick into the long grass’, ‘…‘, ‘Up the down escalator’ ‘Raising the bar’ , ‘Denied any wrong doing ‘, ‘All of the above’, ‘High wire act’ , ‘Common sense will prevail’, ‘It isn’t rocket science’, ‘Between a rock and hard place’, ‘Rabbits out of hats‘, ‘Smoke and mirrors’, ‘ , ‘The genie’s out of the bottle ‘, ‘Draw a line underneath and move on’,’ One size fits all ‘, ‘ Fit for purpose’, ‘Tough on…. tough on the causes of…..’, ‘Painting oneself into a corner ‘ ‘Throw away the rule book’,’ See who blinks first’, ‘ Pushing at an open door’,’ Draw a line in the sand’, ‘Clear blue water in between’, ‘Throw the baby out with the bathwater’,’ Up to the wire’, ‘The eleventh hour’, ‘The jury is still out ‘, ‘Dot the Is and cross the Ts’, ’Poisoned chalice’, ‘Shoot the messenger’, ‘Putting lipstick on a pig’, ‘Mend the roof while the sun shines ‘, ‘The clock’s ticking’, ‘Looking through the wrong end of the telescope’, ’ Battle for hearts and minds’, ‘Blood on the carpet’, ’At the end of the day’, ‘Rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic’ , ‘ …knows where the bodies are buried,’ ‘Wake up call’, ‘ Elephant in the room’ ,‘ Damned if we do, damned if we don’t ‘ All bets are off,’ ‘ 24/7’, ‘Up and down the country.’ ‘No quick fix‘, ‘issues not personalities’, ‘Slipped under the radar’,’looking for a ladder to climb down’,’broad church’, ‘ running out of runway ‘ .’ depends who you’re talking to ‘, ‘Postcode lottery’,’ …..And our children’s children’, ‘ no smoking gun’, ‘Conditions on the ground ‘, ‘Sit on their hands’, ‘Ticks all the boxes’, ‘ Awkward squad ‘, ’Lock them up and throw away the key’, ‘Kick into touch ‘, ‘Chickens come home to roost’, ‘ Look through the prism of…’ ‘ , ‘The way forward ’, ‘Fall into the wrong hands ‘, ‘Sticks and carrots, ‘Good news for ….and for Britain’, ‘ Jam spreading ‘, ‘ An open goal.’, ‘Head above/below the parapet’, ‘ vote with one’s feet’, ‘Quoted out of context’, ‘The time for talking is over‘, ‘Sledgehammer to crack a nut’, ‘Sleepwalking into….’. ‘ The devil is in the detail’ , ‘ Cannot stand by and watch’, ‘Transparency’, ‘ History will be our judge’, ‘ Park my/your/their tanks on my/your/their lawn ‘, ‘Sustainability’, ‘Values’ , ‘Social inclusion’ , Best practice, ‘ Glass ceiling’, ‘Sharp elbows’, ‘Inappropriate business model’, ‘In real terms’, ‘ Running out of road’ ‘Raise the bar’, ‘Sticking plaster solution’, ‘Mountain to climb’, ‘ Moving forward’ , ‘ What it says on the tin’, ‘ , ’ Lives at risk ‘,’ ‘ Going forward’, ‘Not …….any time soon,’ ‘Glass half full. glass half empty’, ‘ Doing the heavy lifting’, ‘The body language / optics’, ‘play catchup’, ‘mission creep’ , ‘1,000% ‘, ‘the gloves are off ‘ ‘pull up the drawbridge’ ‘, no wiggle room ‘ ,’ accident looking for somewhere to happen ‘ ‘No winners or losers ”No brainer;’ the darkest hour is before the dawn” ‘You do the maths’, ‘Canary in the coal mine’ ‘ tall poppies’,’ rule nothing out, rule nothing in. ‘ …nothing off the table ‘, the clock is ticking ‘, ‘ burning platform’, ‘ kicking the can down the road’,’depends who you talk to’, ‘belt-and-braces job,, ‘ red lines’,’ ‘Project Fear’ ‘ no silver bullet’ , ‘push back on’,’ double down on’ ‘ wave a magic wand’, ‘ cure worse than the disease’ , ‘a perfect storm’, ‘out of an abundance of caution’, ‘ reconsider his/her position’,’ green shoots of recovery’, ‘playing whack-a-mole with’ ,’having skin in the game/ a dog in the race’, ‘ on the back foot’, ‘marking your own homework’, ‘square the circle’, ‘ hold their feet to the fire’, ‘ to double down on ,’ to push back on’, ‘ a marathon not a sprint’, ‘ a perfect storm’, ‘ set the bar low’,’ by the back door’, ‘level playing field, ‘perfect storm’, ‘part of the solution not part of the problem’, ‘asleep at the wheel’, ‘ throw under the bus’, ‘no choice but to…’, ’ double down on ,’ ‘push back on’, ‘lipstick on a pig’, and….. ‘ Thank you for having me’ .
(Claud Peckish , Moseley) - QQQQQ