Rehearsing what you’re going to say to the doctor to make your symptoms sound much more serious than they are
(Cissy Fuselage ,Halesowen)
YOUR QUOT HOROSCOPE with Hieronymus Stint.
Last month Uranus appeared as an unexpected item in Taurus’ bagging area thereby clearing the way for you to start fighting your corner . As a Taurean with your stoical ‘take-what-comes’ mind-set you are naturally resistant to standing up for yourself . You do not get upset when the girl in Starbuck’s misspells your name on a plastic cup and remain apparently unfazed when you find a pair of old pants down your trouser leg in the middle of an important business meeting. You instinctively accept without protest all unpalatable truths such as that sheets with elasticated corners are impossible to fold neatly. April is a good month to be less acquiescent and start being more forceful and proactive – start fighting back and allow yourself to be confrontational , particularly when you find that the underwear you found down your trouser leg is not yours.