In corporate brochures and websites your particular issue never being covered in the ‘Most frequently asked questions’ section .
The most frequently asked questions aren’t ‘Can I track my order?’ or ‘How much will the bank charge me for this free service ?’ or anything like. They are * :-
☐ ‘Have you seen my car keys?’ ☐ ‘What times does Sainsbury’s close?’ ☐ ’Where did we park?’ ☐ ‘What’s that on your shirt?’ ☐ ‘Who’s nicked my pastry-brush ?’ ‘☐ ‘Where’s my other sock?’☐ ‘Can I borrow your strummer?’ ☐ ‘Is it a black- or a green-bin day?’ ☐ ‘How can I expected to get a neatly folded bed sheet if it’s got elasticated corners?’ ☐ ‘How can I stop tea-bag strings getting submerged when I pour the water in?’ ☐ ’Who is Kim Kardashian?’ ☐ ‘What time do you call this? ‘
• Nationwide extrapolation of Quotgov poll from random sample of three passers-by in Uxbridge
(See also ‘Software drop-down ‘Help’ menus never including any mention of the only thing you want help with’ )
(Valery Torpor-Flinch, Killingworth) - QQQQ*