QUOT: (kwot) Noun and collective noun.

A commonplace occurrence – any feature or characteristic of ordinary life which is ever present or predictable in given circumstances – a generalisation to this effect. From ‘QUOTIDIAN’ meaning ‘everyday’ or ‘ordinary’

Public services always feeling obliged to write mission statements on their vehicles

This is  police cars (‘Together Keeping  Your Community Safe’ ) and dustcarts  (“In Partnership Protecting Your Environment ‘ – with its mouldy Teddy bear lashed to the radiator grill for good measure q.v ).  Mission statements on public service vehicles are a comparatively recent contribution to the highway literary scene and are just following  the lead of commercial vehicles which have been doing it for years  : ‘Bringing Home your Bacon’, ‘Delivering Wheelbarrows to the Nation ‘,  ‘You shop We Drop’ and so forth. It is only a matter of time before the practice extends to private vehicles beyond  ‘Baby on Board’ and ‘ If You Can Read This You Are Too Close’ which we already have together with stickers for such campaigns as the driver supports.  Indeed the Quot Transport Department is already considering enforcing  the display of such slogans as a way of both promoting road safety and stigmatising motorists with a record of  driving convictions as a warning to other motorists.  

(Owen Scoot , Farnham) - QQQQ*

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