QUOT: (kwot) Noun and collective noun.

A commonplace occurrence – any feature or characteristic of ordinary life which is ever present or predictable in given circumstances – a generalisation to this effect. From ‘QUOTIDIAN’ meaning ‘everyday’ or ‘ordinary’

Pressing the ‘Next Page’ keypad on an e-reader or Kindle before finishing the page you’re on

The Quot expert on all things Digital ,Miko Ishuzimo ( Editor of ‘Loser Friendly’ – the magazine for dystechnics)  writes:- ” True – many  readers of electronic books tend to be a bit twitchy and thumb-happy finding it hard to hover over the keypad for the duration of a whole page,  the danger zone being at the end of the last full paragraph on the page. Others report often pressing the Previous Page pad instead for much the same reason but those more used to actual books say they still find their fingers instinctively gravitating towards  the top or bottom right hand corner at page-turn time.

"It's got a thousand books on it - now all we have to figure out is how to make it a bit smaller"

Conversely they admit to a lot of abortive thumb-pressing when they go back to paper books. Book purists dismiss e-books on the grounds they lack the feel, smell,  colour and variety of real books but they may have a point in complaining that an e-book is harder to navigate your way around , as in seeing how far it is to the end of the chapter. One respondent added ‘And what’s the point of an e-book anyway if it can only read the ‘e’s.

(  QQQ**)

(Vivian Bloat , Chester-le-Street) - enera

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