Always getting two or three supermarket baskets from the stack when you only want one
Harvey Drayne .” ( the Quot Consumer Affairs expert) says ‘This is a basic law of physics which applies to anything which is stacked. The top supermarket basket on top of the stack will stick to the one underneath it on the same principle that makes it impossible to get a single polystyrene cup from the water-cooler dispenser or the coffee machine or a single stacker chair off the pile in a parish hall. Come to think of it it’s the same with those polythene gloves and dipstick wipes they give you in petrol stations and public washroom hand towels which always come out in wodges. With the supermarket basket what wedged it was that it was once on the bottom of the pile taking the full weight of the stack above it as has every basket in its turn – by the time it’s got to the top it’s had time to embed itself inextricably in the one underneath. The chances are that it’s the second one down you’ll be aiming for anyway as the one on the top has somebody’s old receipt in it plus a cabbage leaf and a squashed grape. It’s all a sales ploy the idea being that you get so fed up trying to shake off the clinging basket that you give up and get a trolley instead whereby you buy more rather than suffer the embarrassment of arriving at the checkout with just a sandwich in it . By the same token it is also impossible to extract a single polythene bag to put your loose carrots into as they’re so tightly packed together they come out in handfuls. This is to gets you thinking that while you’ve got them you might as well fill the extra bags with merchandise.And there’s another thing – you forget that while it is easy to ‘pop’ into the supermarket you do so forgetting it’s impossible to pop out again how ever many fast-track checkouts they have.

So on the basis of ‘While I’m stuck here with an empty trolley and all these bags…’ QUOT TIP OF THE DAY – Do not try to scoop a dollop of cheese dip with a single Pringle as it will snap embarrassingly – you need two or three .Measure the viscosity of the dip first from which you can calculate the optimum Pringle-ply required.
(Ron Snipe , Chettiswood) - QQQ**