Disasters always coming in threes
The idea of disasters always coming in threes originates in Greek mythology which holds that Zeus ruled over all the other Gods on Mount Olympus and exerted his power over the mortal world by hurling thunderbolts at it and deploying other ‘natural disasters’ to let it be known who was who . Generally it worked but he had not reckoned on the determination of then warlike Silverkrine Woman to resists being bossed about by any male God . Enraged at being accused of ‘throwing his weight about ‘ and being called a ‘control freak’ by Hybridia their Queen , Zeus decided to settle the matter once and for all by ‘striking where it hurt ‘. The Silverkine Women were fabled for their beauty and particularly their luxurious flowing hair on which they spent most of their time and disposable income but this proved to be their ‘Achilles Heel’ when Zeus rained the ‘Three Hair Disasters ‘ down upon them . Starting gently he harassed them first by causing major shampoo explosions in their douche bags to sabotage their hair washing .
He followed this up by blotting out the sun so that their hair wouldn’t dry properly becoming ‘uncontrollable ’ . According to the ancient scrolls “ it just would not lie flat and kept sticking up at the back “ . Zeus then rounded off his campaign by visiting upon them a plague which caused ‘split-ends and fraying’ .Admitting that they’d met their match Silverkine Women were at last subdued . Zeus’ repeated recourse this kind of sanction whenever Mortals got uppity thereafter established not only the principle of disasters coming in threes but also of what we now know as ‘bad hair days’ .
(Mindy Skimp, Port Talbot) - QQQ**