QUOT: (kwot) Noun and collective noun.

A commonplace occurrence – any feature or characteristic of ordinary life which is ever present or predictable in given circumstances – a generalisation to this effect. From ‘QUOTIDIAN’ meaning ‘everyday’ or ‘ordinary’

Always looking away at the bank cash-point so as to avoid seeing your on-screen balance

A spokeshuman for the Quot Bankers’ Association ( J.D Ripple ) writes”  This is a free service provided by all member banks and the details are fully explained in one of their leaflets which they are obliged to send out to all customers so they can lob them straight in their recycling bins all the sooner to be pulped to make the sticky stuff in bitumen which keeps our road surfaces down. The small print is very clear on this procedure :  avoiding looking at on-screen statements or otherwise depends on the state of the balance. If cash-point users are overdrawn or hovering around the borderline they should not look because they don’t want to know. All they want at that moment is  cash-in-hand and they’re in too much of a hurry to get the shopping done to bother with the minor  details of their personal accounting such as whether they have any money or not.   If on the other hand they are well in credit they can’t stop themselves sneaking a look at their balance if just to allow themselves a moment of smugness about how easily the money seems to be rolling in. If customers only want to check their balance – for instance to be sure that HMRC have cashed their tax or VAT cheque immediately even though it was post-dated for payment on its due-date  – then they should use the dedicated push-button option for this service at the cash-point. For further clarification see the page marked ‘This Page is left intentionally Blank’. “

(Stewart Hengestone, Barking) - QQQ**

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